I just got the crazy idea to go and animate something, so full of working spirit, I set myself a solid deadline. Because deadlines keep one sharp! :-)
The deadline? Januari 1st.
Ofcourse, that's for the trailer. I think I'll have the full movie done somewhere in Q3 2009...yeah, I might have it done before then...
At this point, you're thinking "Wtf? Is he kidding me?"
Nope. It'll make more sense if I say that I'm aiming for Ghibli standards. And that simply takes me a year or two.
Ofcourse, I'm going to use that time to throw trailers at you, building up the hype. Because it's going to be big. Very Big.
The included image is a possible character concept (not too sure it's going to be used though).
Cool, would love to see it!