Repetitive and unbalanced.
There, I named them. Two of games' big sins.
The repetitive speaks for itself: as far as gameplay goes, there's only one type of level, and one two types of enemies. They just look different each time. Same with the blockades - who make you give them all your items before they'll let you go. That's called theft in a normal world, by the way.
As for unbalanced; the different guns...aren't that different at all. And when you empty the guns, don't worry about reloading, because that'll trigger an enemy to run up to you, and grab you. Just hit space to shake it off, and the reloading is magically finished.
Now, wht would've been nice is some variation. And maybe, instead of just blocking and robbing you, add the option to fight the blockades; they try to rob you, you've got a gun, so that's just normal gamer instinct, right? Whatever they'd give you could be an item drop after blowing their heads off.
So, dear developer, go change the game, and sin no more.